Node Providers
Be a Node provider on the QAN public blockchain!
Last updated
Be a Node provider on the QAN public blockchain!
Last updated
💡[Definition] Node Provider
Node providers are constantly running the software on a capable device, providing compute power and storage space for the network.
Node providing starts with the QAN public blockchain (MainNet) launch.
Node provider hardware requirements, process documentation with tutorials will be published before the QAN MainNet launch.
Scroll down to register for Node Provider updates by filling out the registration form below.
Node providers are constantly running the software on a capable device, providing compute power and storage space for the network.
The following features will only be available with the PoR consensus algorithm:
To be able to join the network as a Node Provider you need to pay a registration fee in the QANX Token. This registration fee is a fixed cost. To pay this registration fee upfront, you need to buy tokens from the open market.
After you become a Node Provider you will receive a fixed number of QANX Tokens after each validated block - in exchange for your services. (The reward amount might not be fixed over time, depending on the result of the modelling.) You receive these QANX Tokens from coin base transactions, meaning that these tokens are being generated by the network (through an inflationary mechanism).
After receiving rewards, Node Providers can keep or sell their rewards in the open market.
Scroll down to register for Node Provider updates by filling the registration form below.
Key Takeaways — [Node Providers]:
Node provision starts with the QAN MainNet launch.
To be able to join the pool of potential Node Providers, a Node Provider needs to stake a fixed amount of QANX Token. (available with PoR only)
Node provider hardware requirements, process documentation with tutorials will be published before the MainNet launch.
Node Providers receive a fixed number of QANX Tokens after each validated block. (available with PoR only)