Calling a smart contract function
Contracts can be called by their address. There are various pieces of data one can/should pass to a contract call in order to make it succeed.
The general syntax of a contract call is executed as follows:
The arguments prepended with a $ sign mean the following:
$RAM_BYTES: How much RAM the contract needs to execute the requested operation successfully
$TIMEOUT_MILLISEC: How much time the contract needs to execute the requested operation successfully
$DB_READ_SLOTS: The Database fields to be read and passed to the execution environment, separated by commas
$DB_WRITE_SLOTS_COUNT: How many database fields this operation will write to after successful execution
$PRIVKEY_PATH: Path to a file which contains the private key for a wallet which has enough funds to execute the call
$CONTRACT_ADDR: Address of the smart contract to be called
$ARG{N}: Arguments passed to the smart contract binary during execution
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