Technology Features
QANplatform Technology Features
Last updated
QANplatform Technology Features
Last updated
FAQ: All technology features and the entire ecosystem will be gradually released after the launch of the QAN public blockchain (MainNet).
The 4 unique developments (IPs) by QANplatform make this Layer 1 outstanding besides the many technological and economical innovations.
QANplatform's unique Multi-language Smart-Contract Engine (QVM) makes QANplatform usable to 20M programmers by letting them code in any programming language.
QANplatform's unique quantum-resistant cross-signer, QAN XLINK utilizes CRYSTALS-Dilithium, the NIST approved primary post-quantum algorithm. QAN XLINK is responsible for ensuring a 100% successful migration path when quantum computing attacks will affect elliptic curve cryptography.
QANplatform's unique Proof-of-Randomness (PoR) algorithm will make the QAN public blockchain the greenest blockchain on the market yet remain decentralized.
QANplatform’s unique Rapid cloud platform deployment lets anyone deploy QAN blockchain platform to major cloud platforms like Amazon AWS in less than 5 minutes that making QANplatform the fastest blockchain to deploy on the market.